A few kids and a few hours
A few hours a week can make a big difference to a handful of kids. Circulo Andante, or Walking Circle, is a reading and math club run by the staff at YWAM Tijuana del Mar. Two afternoons a week they set up in a community and offer brief lessons on the basics - vowels, subtraction, prefixes - in three grade levels to the kids that live there. This ministry was created and is staffed by recent DTS grads (which makes us so proud!). We volunteer with them when our schedule permits.
The community where the Circle has been working for the past six weeks has received many Homes of Hope houses. It provides another connect point for us with the families and kids that were blessed with homes. Here are some recent images from an afternoon together.

Arriving early means a sticker next to your name on the attendance chart

Excited that she could find her own name on the chart

YWAM staff led the house build that gave this girl and her family a home in April. She and her older sister are regular attendees to the Circle.

"There are three rules in the Circle..."

A Canadian teaching Spanish in Mexico to kidnergartners

When you know the answer, you let EVERYONE know!

YWAM staff are great at including parents in the lessons as well

The staff to kid ratio is great

Loving story time

The Circle
For more information about Circulo Andante, or to find out how you can be involved, email Luisa at luisa.seiler@ywamsdb.org
I am super excited about all that God has been doing in your life. I look forward to reading more of your adventures. Great job on the blog!